This is the prestigious Wenganator Hall of Fame. People who have won contests and the like will be posted here. Are you ready to join???


Random Trivia 1
What is the longest mountain range in the world?

Mid-Atlantic Ridge (yes, the Andes Mountains are the longest mountain chain on land, the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, which is underwater, is actually longer)

Grand Prize: Heartless Killer
Honorable Mention: nick54

Rabbit Contest

Heartless Killer has won! His sentence was: The white rabbit was slowly chewing on a sweet delicious orange carrot on a peaceful spring day near a majestic tall mountain, when suddenly, the rumbling of the tall mountain broke the silence and released ashes into the air, creating ashes in the sky, and unfortunately, the white rabbit caught the disease pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis due to the inhalation of the fine silica dust.

Special Thanks

I would like to specially thank 151116 and Heartless Killer for remaining attatched to Wenganator's Site. Thank you both so much for viewing this site on a regular basis! Thank you!

Random Trivia 2
What is 1/2*2/3*3/4*4/5*5/6*6/7*7/8*8/9*9/10?

Only Heartless Killer got this one correct, however, I told him the answer after he got it wrong so many times, so I'm sorry, but nobody got this trivia correct.

Random Trivia 3
What is the third longest river in the world?

The Yangtze River (in China)

Grand Prize: Jpwei50
Honorable Mention: Yoojin

Honorary Award
For being the first staff members in the history of these two sites (,, Shadow Linx and Baron are awarded with the Honorary Award, rarely ever given out by the Wenganator.

Random Trivia 4
What was the first baseball team to go professional?

The Cincinnati Reds

Grand Prize: Joseph
Honorable Mention: DHW

Random Trivia 5
What is the fastest land animal, and up to what speeds can it run? (I will accept any answer within a 2 mph radius.)

Cheetah, 70 mph

Grand Prize: Baron
Honorable Mention: 151116